Wednesday 26 February 2014

How to Take Care of Your Skin

While your skin is a living organ that constantly regenerates itself, the right care can improve its support, elasticity, and shine.

Method 1 of 2: Skin type and treatments

There are four general skin types: oily, dry, normal and combination. In addition, it is possible to have sensitive skin along with one of the four general types.

1. Dry Skin: If your skin has a strong tendency toward dehydration, lacks oil, and has few breakouts if any at all, it is considered dry. In more extreme cases, dry skin lacks elasticity and can be extremely sensitive to the sun, wind, and cold temperatures. Wash your face once a day with a rich, creamy cleanser and warm water.
  • Treatment: Rinse with warm water and pat your skin dry. Use toner to help with that tight and flaky feeling of dehydration. Avoid toners and makeup that contain alcohol as alcohol-based products have a drying effect on skin. Use a cream-based lotion to hydrate your skin and keep it rejuvenated.

2. Oily Skin:If your skin is oily, it usually has a lot of shine to it very soon after cleansing and the pores are generally slightly enlarged. It is more prone to pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads than other skin types and is coarser in texture.
  • Treatment: Your skin tends to attract more dirt than dry skin, so wash your face twice a day with a gentle non-foaming cleanser and warm water. Rinse with warm water. Use an alcohol-free, hydrating toner to help remove additional residue. Oil blotting sheets through out the day can help control shine, and it takes as little as 3 minutes after lunch. Although your skin's oily, you still must moisturize it with a light moisturizer daily, or your skin will become dry underneath and overcompensate by producing more oil.

Normal Skin: Some consider normal skin to be combination skin, but it is not. If your skin is oily in the "T zone" and your nose while dry and taut on the cheeks, it is considered normal. It's also considered normal if it changes with seasons (dryer in winter, oilier in summer). Normal skins can also be 'Normal-To's' as in normal to oily or normal to dry.
  • Treatment: Wash your face with cleansers that are designed for your normal/normal-to skin type. Wipe an alcohol free, hydrating toner all over the face. Apply moisturizer more frequently to dry skin.

4. Combination Skin: Combination skin is comprised of two extreme skin types on one face. These situations occur when there is acne and a lot of oil in one area when the rest of the skin is generally dry (no oil).
  • Two common examples are dry skin with papular and pustular acne on the cheeks or a normal skin with inflamed papular and pustular acne in the chin and mouth area.
  • Treatment: Tend to each area appropriately as described above. If the acne is severe, consult a dermatologist .

5. Sensitive Skin: Please note that you may have sensitive skin and normal, oily, or dry. If your skin has allergic reactions to beauty products and is usually sensitive to the sun, wind, and cold weather, it is sensitive. Sensitivity can show up in rash, redness, inflammation, acne, and dilated capillaries.
  • Treatment: Look for cleansers, toners, makeup, and moisturizers that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic. Cleanse, tone and moisturize with gentle products everyday. The idea for your skin is to always choose products with a soothing benefit. Some common ingredients to look for are: chamomile, azulene, bisabolol, allantoin, lavender, camphor, calamine, rosemary, thyme, aloe vera, coconut oil etc.

How to Be a Truly Beautiful Woman

"For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone" ~ Audrey Hepburn



All women long to be beautiful. All women are beautiful. But we never seem to see it.

We know that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but we forget that we are the beholders. Instead we hope that someone will come and see in us what we cannot see ourselves. We have to believe that beauty is not only in our form, but in our hearts also. Like diamonds, we are and always have been beautiful. And as diamonds we must be willing to be found, to be cut even and to be polished.

1. Look first for the beauty in others.
Don't ever find it difficult to admire and appreciate other people. Don't be uptight in your comments. learn to see the best in others, it would make you feel  good.

2. Care for yourself.

Keep your skin soft and glowing, trim your nails and your hair. People see in your grooming your opinion of yourself. Make an effort always to be at your most attractive but be careful of becoming a slave to looks. Appearance, despite what we are told, is not the most important thing. Think about the people you love most dearly; is it their physical beauty you treasure or the beauty of who they are?

3. Your body is truly a temple, therefore treat yourself with the utmost respect. Eat well, do not overindulge and make your health a priority. Find an activity that you enjoy that will also help you keep supple and strong. There is a crushing pressure to be a certain shape but do not give in to it. Let your body settle into its natural curves and cherish them--believe me when I say that there is beauty in every natural body shape. However, if you know that you are truly obese or underweight, take steps to bring your body to its healthiest weight.

4. Dress beautifully and to enhance your loveliness. Express your personality through your clothing and never allow fashion to dictate your wardrobe. In the same way, wear makeup that reveals your face, that does not mask it. Do not project a you that screams for attention or tries to seduce. Beauty used as a weapon loses its power. Simply let your beauty shine and those with eyes will see it. 

5. Cultivate an interest in the people around you. Take the time to ask how people are. Smile with genuine warmth always and welcome everyone with your eyes. Grow in empathy, learn to feel with people, to simply be with them.

6. Choose your friends carefully. Surround yourself with people who understand you and are devoted to you. At all times be the friend you would wish others would be to you. While you seek out faithful friends, don't exclude others who you might find hard to bear, or even disapprove of. You may never become close friends but you should still show kindness.

7. Show grace. Forgive all wrongs. This doesn't mean what was done to you was right. If you choose to be bitter, you'll be a slave to what someone else thought, said, did.

8. Have a sense of humour! Don't take yourself too seriously but do know that are some things that should never be laughed at.

9. Make the most of the time you have. Pursue your deepest interests, pour time into your worthiest dreams. Offer a kind word every day. Always tell the people closest to you that you love them.

10. People are more valuable than things. Infinitely. Do not use people.Love them. Do not judge people. Love them. If someone wanders off the path, help them. Be merciful to everyone and be humble. We are all weak.

11. Admit your need for love and help. You need love. Seek it but don't pin your life on the approval of others. Simply be the best that you can be.Strength is not measured in hardness. The truly courageous woman faces her deepest hurts and fears. To reveal your beauty, to believe it you must be strong. You must be strong to be vulnerable, to be soft and to weep.

12. Seek the truth. Speak the truth. Live the truth. The truth is absolute, not subjective.

13. Do not let others hinder you or discourage you but neither be invulnerable to hurt. Pain comes with most of the best things in life.

14. Pour yourself into the lives of others. It is a strange but infallible truth that the one who gives her life finds it.

15. Spend time in Nature. Seek what is beautiful and give yourself the opportunity to just soak it all in. Look at art, listen to music.

16. Seek adventure. Real adventure not the substitutes. Always check your motives--why are you doing what you are?

17. In all things, give others the space to be themselves. Let them grow. Help them. You might have to speak the hard truth sometimes but always do so out of genuine love.

18. Relinquish your need for control. You don't have to be in control all the time, your opinion does not have to be followed every point in time. Allow others have a say. You can be a servant-leader.

19. Be sincere. Always.

20. Practice being a good listener. Always try learn and share what you have discovered and what means most to you fearlessly.

21. Seek God earnestly. This is deeply personal but it is also the foundation for your entire world. Seek God. Is He there? Who is He?

22. Do not try so hard. Simply rest in who you are. Do not be static. Do not accept wrong, but do be merciful--to yourself.

You should note this, discovering your beauty will be hard and living in it will be harder. You will get discouraged. Some people will feel threatened by you. Press on. If you don't accept your beauty you cant accept yourself.

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 Its Sisi-Anne